

General Settings

Logo upload: Upload your companies Logo

Account code length: How long the account number will be

Voicemail password length: How long the Voicemail password will be.

International prefixes: Enable country code prefixes

Enable ECH:

Emergency Number: Number for your specific country

 Default-DID-Recording: Default Recording a caller will hear

Minimum topup: Minimum money amount that can be added

Maximum topup: Maximum money amount that can be added

Email Settings

Email Settings must be set in order for functions like emailing invoices can be used.  You can use any email service.

Invoice Settings

Invoice name: Name for the invoice

Invoice url: Url to invoices

Company reg name label: Registered Name

Company reg number: 999999

Tax ID label: Company tax name

Tax ID number: Company tax number

Last order num: 1000

Last invoice num: 100100

Default terms: All services provided by etc...

Client notes: Thank you for your business!

Payment Gateways

Check the boxes to enable each type of payment you will accept.

Change tenant configuration

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