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Fields in bold are required
Account Details
Name: Enter an Name
Web Login:
Company name: Name of Company
Tenant: choose from the drop down option
Address line 1: Company address
Address line 2: Company address
City: City of Company
State province: State of Company
Postcode Zip: Company four digit zip code
Country: Company Country
Telephone number: Company contact telephone number
Timezone: Company timezone
Tax id: Company Business Tax id
Main Email: Company main email
Billing email: Company billing department email address
NOC email: Company NOC department email address
Rates email: Company rates email address
Enabled: Check box to enable or disable
Send welcome email: Check box to enable or disable
Currency: Country's currency type
Account Type: Choose either Prepaid or Postpaid
Credit Limit: Choose Credit Limit
Orig balance: Orig balance
Originator Settings
Origination: Choose from Allow All, Inbound, Outbound or Disabled
Max Channels: Max number of Channels
Max CPS: Max number calls per second
Terminator Settings
Termination: Choose from Enabled or Disabled
Max Channels: Max number of channels
Balance Notification
Low balance notification: Notify when balance reaches $x.xx amount
Security Settings
Max per minute rate: Limit the money amount per minute for a call
Max daily spend: Limit set for how much that can be spent per day.